Certified Performance Management


Performance management is an essential tool for high-performing organizations, and it is one of a manager’s most important responsibilities. Many complain that performance management systems are cumbersome, bureaucratic, and too time-consuming for the value-added. This leads both managers and employees to treat performance management as a necessary evil of work-life that should be minimized rather than an important process that achieves key individual and organizational outcomes.


The objective of CPMT Program is to provide human resource (HR) professionals with useful guidelines for developing and implementing effective KPIs based performance management system. This Certified Program is structured to introduce the process of developing clear performance goals for individuals and teams.

CPMT Trainer

Dr. Ali Raza Nemati

Group Director HR

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of CPMT Program, the participants will be able to:

Link Strategy with Performance Management

For effective business growth, integrating a strong link strategy with performance management is essential.

Understand institutional and individual goals.

To achieve success, it's essential to align both institutional and individual goals.

Develop customized KPIs

Developing customized Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential for tailoring performance measurement to your organization's unique goals and objectives.

Learn the Methodology to develop Guidelines

Discover the proven methodology to develop comprehensive guidelines that drive success. Our expert approach ensures clarity and effectiveness, enabling you to create robust guidelines tailored to your needs.

Link LNI and LNA with Performance Management

Integrating Link LNI (Linkage to Network Infrastructure) and LNA (Linkage to Network Analytics) with Performance Management enhances organizational efficiency and data-driven decision-making.

Understand Step-by-step process for performance expectations

Master the step-by-step process for setting and meeting performance expectations. This comprehensive guide breaks down each stage, helping you align goals with actionable strategies.

May to July - 2024

CDAT Tentative Schedule

(05 May - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

1st Session
(12 May - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

2nd Session
 (19 May - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

3nd Session
(19 May - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

4nd Session
(2 June - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

5nd Session
(2 June - Sunday)

Incorporate this workspace into your daily flow by asking questions, sharing resources, and contributing to discussions.

Registration Fee


Register on
Special Early Bird Offer

Special Early Bird Offer

Local Participants

Deadline 15 Sep 2024

PKR 30,000 only

(To be Paid in 3 Installments)

International Participants

Deadline 15 Sep 2024

USD 100 only

US Dollars

Local Participants

Deadline 20 Sep 2024

PKR 50,000 only

(To be Paid in 3 Installments)

International Participants

Deadline 20 Sep2024

USD 180 only

US Dollars

Explore Events Highlights​

The expanding role of HR Department to support the Organisations in the pursuit of Sustainability.


Step into the HR Exhibition to enthrall yourself in the latest trends, tools, and technologies that shape the future of human resources. Network with visionary industry leaders, participate in workshops, and elevate your HR practices to drive organizational success. Discover, connect, and innovate in an environment designed to inspire and empower.

Step into the HR Exhibition to enthrall yourself in the latest trends, tools, and technologies that shape the future of human resources.  Discover, connect, and innovate in an environment designed to inspire and empower.

Up Coming Event

Seize the Moment at The Leaders Talk 2025!

Join us for an unparalleled experience where industry leaders will share their insights on cutting-edge leadership strategies, innovations, and elite talent management practices. 


Apply for Certification

HRPN encourages the expanding role of HR Department to support organizations.